This past Saturday, we had a fantastic signing at the Page & Palette in beautiful Fairhope, Alabama, one of the most charming small towns in the South. The weather was a balmy 60 degrees , and there were a lot of people out and about and enjoying the beautiful conditions. The Page & Palette is one of the most unique bookstores you will ever find, and there was a steady stream of traffic throughout my signing. All total, we sold 37 books. The store sold out of the 24 books that it had in stock, and we sold another thirteen that I had brought with me just in case things got crazy. Thankfully, things did indeed get crazy, and it was fantastic to meet a lot of new people as well as see some old friends.
Special guests included my cousin Jim Francisco, who came with his fiance Stefanie. They will be getting married in Fairhope in April, and it was great to finally meet Stefanie. I was also excited to see some old friends from law school, including Will Gamble, Shawn and Holly Alves and Bob Smith. Also in attendance was my good friend, Scott Sasser, his wonderful wife, Carrys, and their kids. My wife Dixie’s college friend, Angie Barton, and her girls dropped by as well. Finally, my old high school friend, David Hooper, also came by.
All in all, it was a fantastic day at a great store, and another sold out signing for The Professor.