Article in Huntsville EVENT Magazine
I really enjoyed this interview with Huntsville EVENT Magazine! ...
I'm looking forward to speaking at the Trussville Public Library in Trussville, Alabama next Tuesday, August 14th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Here is a nice writeup in the Trussville Tribune. ...
Jackson County Jubilee!
I was honored to speak and sign copies of my books at the first ever Jackson County Jubilee on Saturday in downtown Scottsboro, Alabama. Thanks to Richi Reynolds for inviting to be there and everyone involved in this fantastic event. Also, special thanks to Lady...
Book Tour Returns to Highway 30A
Our tour for THE LAST TRIAL returns to familiar territory this Monday (July 2) for signings at two of my favorite bookstores. I'll be at the Hidden Lantern at Rosemary Beach from 10:00 am to noon. Then we'll head to Seaside for a signing on the porch at Sundog...
State Bar Tradition
It has become a bit of a tradition to have a book signing at the Alabama State Bar's Annual meeting after a new release. Like always, this year's event was special as I was able to see many old friends and colleagues. Thank you to Pam Greer with the Hidden...